Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Gen-Diagnostik e.V.

Sold out

Register to Annual Meeting

Personal information

Attendance and payment

Please send your abstract by email to
Note that the submission deadline for abstracts is Oct. 14., 2024.

Speakers and sponsors please select "I'm a sponsor" in the "I will pay" select box.

Conference fees are:

  • 35€ for students that submit an abstract
  • 65€ for AGD members that already paid the annual membership fee (which is 35€)
  • 100€ for everyone who wants to
    • extend the membership for one year or
    • joint AGD And benefit from discount (*).
  • 125€ everyone else (people that don't want to become a member and/or only pay cash at the venue)
  • (*) 35€ annual membership fee, 65€ conference fee

  • If you want to pay in advance, please transfer the fees by bank transfer to
    IBAN: DE36 3006 0601 0002 7657 56
    BIC (Swift Code): DAAEDEDD
    or by Paypal to (please choose "send money to a friend" / "Geld an einen Freund senden")
    or use the Paypal 'donate' button on the next side (after pressing the 'register' button).
  • If you choose direct debit authorization (Einzugsermächtigung) please sign this form and send it by e-mail to or by mail to AGD e.V. (see the address on the form).

© Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Gen-Diagnostik e.V.